Rough around the edges.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Saw VI Review

The Rough Cut

Written by Kevin Terpstra

Review of Saw VI

A thought crosses my mind as I’m sitting here writing this review. The thought being that people are going to wonder why, out of all the great movies that came out this month (Zombieland, Where the Wild Things Are), did I choose to spend $7.50 on such a carnivorous film like Saw VI. The answer is simple really: I was lazy this month and forgot to do a legitimate review. A friend of mine wanted to see this film and voila, I had my review. Now down to business. Saw VI is, as most would expect, filled with more gore than a slaughterhouse, though, I believe one of the films actually took place in a slaughterhouse so I guess that makes it O.K. Also present in the film is the fantastic twist ending that Saw fans love to guess at throughout the entire film. Truthfully, the twists in these films are quite possibly the only reason people see these films anymore. To this films credit, it has something that the previous films (excluding the original) lack: psychology. I don’t mean psychology in terms of what the movie is thinking, I mean psychology in terms of what the characters are thinking. In the previous four films, dating back to Saw II, it was all about how the filmmakers could kill as many people as possible in as many gruesome ways as possible. The psychological factor that made the first film so enjoyable was lost in a sea of God-awful Torture Porn. If the term Torture Porn confuses you, don’t worry it has nothing to do with nudity. It’s simply a term to describe movies that are so gory and so violent; people actually get their jimmies by watching the horrifying dismemberment presented on screen... sickos, but I digress. Thankfully, Saw VI returns to the psychological by once again, giving the players in Jigsaw’s master game a chance to live. Albeit, there is some control to this. People are forced to die in this film, but they are all given the opportunity to live, unlike the poor souls in Saw II, III, IV and even in V. The difference is that instead of being able to choose life or death for themselves, the player’s lives are dependent on the choice of someone else... trippy. As far as Saw movies go, Saw VI is pretty good. As far as movies in general go, it sucks. My hope is that after having read this, you aren’t completely lost or confused. If you are I apologize, but it’s rather difficult to develop a straightforward review based on a movie that is part of a series that is anything but straightforward.

Based on a five star scale I am awarding (for lack of a better word) Saw VI two out of five stars.

Official Rough Cut Review

Saw VI – 2/5 stars